Family Plans

We highly recommend family plans for international students! Plans have a set monthly rate (~$30-$50 depending on your plane provider and number of lines) for unlimited talking, texting, and data. It requires a contract, credit history, and cancellation fee. A person with a Social Security Number is required to start a family plan.

Prepaid Plans

“Prepaid” monthly plans allow you to pay one rate per month and do not require a contract. Plans have a set monthly rate (~$35-$75 depending on your plan provider) for unlimited talking, texting and data. It requires NO contracts, NO credit history required, NO deposits, NO Cancellation Fees. You can also refill your credit anytime with a cash or debit card.

A couple of plan providers International students typically use:

  1. AT&T- Value Plus Plan
  1. TMobile- Simply Prepaid Plans